"Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect.”

Motherhood after Infertility and Parenting a child with ASD

To test or not to test


So the spotting is essentially non-existent now. I called and spoke to my actual nurses and she told me the same thing… you need to wait and see. She said it could be the start of AF but if it goes away it could be a sign of pregnancy. Thank you for that insightful information… I don’t blame her, I just wish there was a way to know sooner!!! 

So, Dr. Google says that you could get a positive HPT 2-4 days after implantation bleeding. So if mine started on 8DPIUI and today is 10DPIUI I could test tomorrow and maybe get something, right? My emotions are all over the place as to whether or not I should. It’s still early. I should wait until Friday but I am leaving to go out of town Friday and if I do get a positive I would like to get at least two beta’s done before we leave. However, if it is a BFN I will probably feel defeated even though I know it’s kinda early. 

I am a POAS addict so I will probably end up doing it as long as I have no more spotting. What do you think? Should I wait atleast another day till 12DPIUI, wait till Friday or just try tomorrow??

10 thoughts on “To test or not to test

  1. I vote test tomorrow!! Lol, but I’ve been testing since 1DPIUI, so I’m the crazy lady.

    • I tested every other day until the trigger was out of my system lol this morning was a BFN 😦 Still kinda early but I feel it is pretty indicative of the overall outcome of the cycle. However the spotting is still just barely there so there is that!

      • I’m right there with ya. Hoping it’s not an indication of our overall outcomes though. It’s hard being so positive all the time. I’m feeling very defeated today.

      • I’m sorry it was the same for you thus morning. It really is almost impossible to stay positive 😦 I guess just a few more days till we find out one way or another!

  2. I have no self control in this area. I say test!

  3. I do not test whatsoever. But that’s just me. I love how promising it sounds though!

  4. I am praying for you today! I hate this wait. I’ve been through it one too many times. Hoping. Hoping. Hoping.

  5. I give myself a timeline. I’m allowed to start testing like 8-10 DPO usually. Then I make myself go every other day til Aunt Flo arrives.

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